Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday afternoon I got to play at the Scarab Club in Detroit with David Swain's Prez Society featuring George Bedard and Brian Delaney on guitars and a bunch of great sax players: Keith Kaminski, Bobby Streng, and James Hughes. The show was sponsored by hosted by R.J. Spangler and the Detroit Blues Society, and we received a very warm reception.

Playing with Dave over the years has opened the doors to a lot of wonderful places in Detroit that I would never have seen otherwise. If you get a chance to visit the Scarab Club don't pass it up - you've never seen anything like this Detroit cultural institution. And it's right across the street from the Art Institute!

I had just started learning a little about Bert Jansch when he passed away.

Here is a file for Odie.


Blogger TigerJames79 said...

This a great website, and I'm impressed with the use of technology you've employed. I suppose it gets easier as you go along. For now, I'm rather speechless. I'm thinking of starting a blog but not sure where to go to initiate it. Any ideas?

Tue Dec 27, 07:24:00 PM EST  
Blogger wheatgerm said...

great post

Sat Jan 07, 07:18:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jerry Brabenec said...

As far as creating some kind of website thing goes, just don't forget the most important part and make it

Mon Jan 09, 07:14:00 PM EST  

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